8311 Laurel Bowie Road Bowie, Maryland 20715 | Established in 1938 |
Annual Membership is Open (2025)
Associate Membership is Open
Membership |
“Any United Status Citizen who is twenty-one years of age or older who is allowed to legally own and possess firearms under the laws of the United States of America, the State of Maryland, and Prince George’s County may apply and be made a Member.”
Please read and verify that you are able to sign this Firearms Declaration Form and Waiver Form prior to applying for membership.
There is no application fee and applying for membership does not obligate you in any way to join the Club, nor does it obligate you financially in any way to the Club. Our membership chairman will contact you to answer any questions that you may have about the club and to invite you to our Range Safety Orientation (after you have completed steps outlined below in the Member application and Induction process). Therefore, we kindly ask that you provide a legitimate phone number and email address.
The Berwyn Rod & Gun Club Inc. (BRGC) has annual dues of $400 which covers January through December, works out to be approximately $33/month or $1.10/day for practically unlimited use of a state-of-the-art shooting range. New members are charged a pro-rated amount based on the start date of the membership plus a one-time $200 initiation fee. Invoices for annual dues are made available through this website in November for the following year.
Associate members pay the one-time $200 initiation fee and $75 for associate annual dues. An associate member does not have full range privileges and does not have the right to vote at business meetings. Associate members are at the top of the list to become a full annual member when a membership becomes available. Approximately 50 memberships become available each February/March.
As in any private organization, the club depends on members to volunteer some of their time and expertise to support our events and outreach programs. BRGC simply would not exist without its volunteer spirit. Opportunities abound for members to get involved and range from grounds beautification to coaching new shooters to community awareness. Members are encouraged to volunteer their time for the good of the club.
For an understanding of how the Berwyn Rod and Gun Club, Inc. operates, read the following:
Charter: BRGC Charter (April 1944)
Bylaws: BRGC Bylaws (May 2020)
Internal Operating Procedures: BRGC IOP (January 2024)
Range Rules: BRGC Range Rules (June 2024)
Privacy Policy: BRGC Privacy Policy (October 2023)
Application Process
If an applicant has documented training that is not listed in the Range Rules Appendix F, they may submit a written request to the Officers and Range Safety Chairperson for review and possible acceptance. The request must include all information about the training; including the course content, the date and location, instructor, sponsoring organization, and contact information for verification. The Applicant will be notified of the next available Range Orientation. The Applicant must attend the Range Orientation and become familiar with the range facilities. At the time of Range Orientation Registration, the applicant shall present a government photo ID with current address. After completion of the Range Orientation, the Applicant's name will be published in the next Newsletter and/or read at the next Business Meeting. The Applicant must then attend a Business Meeting. The Applicant must receive an affirmative vote of a super majority of the voting Members in good standing present at the meeting.
- A signed acknowledgement that they have received, read, and will abide by the By-Laws, lOP and Range Rules.
- A signed copy of the Firearms Declaration form.
- A signed copy of the Waiver of Liability.
- Completed Range Rules Test with 80% of the questions answered correctly.
- Documentation
- For completing a Firearms Safety course or
- Having Experience or
- Having Training As listed in the Range Rules, Appendix D-Firearms Safety Training Courses
Annual Membership is OPEN (2025)
Annual Membership will reopen for the 2025 Calendar year towards the end of February 2025
We invite you to complete the membership application form here. After you have completed the online application form an email will be sent to you with instructions and links to all the required documents. For any additional information about BRGC membership or the application process, please contact us at NewMembership@berwyn.org.
We thank you for your interest and look forward to hearing from you.
All documents downloaded from this website are for the exclusive use for joining and maintaining the membership of The Berwyn Rod & Gun Club.
Any other use of these documents is strictly forbidden.